5 Quick Solutions to Stop Overwhelm and Stress

It’s #stressawarenessweek this week and stress could be considered the top emotion for 2020. Would you agree?
This year has taken its toll on us all collectively and the uncertainty is to continue way into 2021. With this in mind, here are some quick and easy solutions for you to use when you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed.  
I have included a variety of tools to suit everyone – remember, not one solution fits all!

1) Ask Yourself This Helpful Question

Each morning, ask yourself this important question“What’s the one thing I could do to make today easier?”

This question helps you to break your thoughts down to the precise day and moment you are currently in, and to focus on only one thing. Doing this reduces overwhelm and gives you the chance to think. It helps you to plan ahead and avoid stressful situations a much as possible.

2) Use Coping Statements for Stress and Overwhelm

When we’re stressed our thoughts can be our own worst enemy. Negative thinking can spiral and we can quickly make ourselves feel considerably worse. Try these coping statements when you feel your negative talk is taking over:

- This is just a thought. A thought is not a fact
- This is just a feeling. This feeling will pass
- I’ve done this before so I can do it again.
- I’ll be glad I did it when this is over.
- I’ll do the best I can.
- Whatever happens, happens. I can handle it.
- It’s not the worst thing that could happen.

3) Spin Your Feelings

This technique is based on an NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) exercise designed to help you when you have an emotional response to a stressful situation.

Using this simple visualisation, enables you to take back control of your thoughts and feelings, and reduce the effect of stress on your body.

The next time you feel stressed, panicked or overwhelmed, notice where the feeling is in your body, and ask yourself:

- What shape is it?
- What colour is it?
- Does it have a texture?
- Is it moving?
- Which direction is it moving in?

Visualise the feeling in action and the direction it’s moving in. Really visualise the shape, colour and texture of it.

What shape, colour and texture would you give it to make calmer? Start to change the shape, colour and texture to the calmer version. Keep it moving in this new form and consciously spin it in the other direction. For example, if the feeling is spinning towards your body, spin it away from your body.
As you do this the unwanted feelings will decrease or disappear completely.

4) 7/11 Breathing

When you are feeling stressed and anxiety kicks in, you have probably forgotten to breathe! To slow your breathing down and clear your mind you can practice 7/11 breathing: place one hand on your chest and one on your belly, breathe in through your nose for 7 seconds and out through your mouth for 11. Repeat this 3 times. 

5) Drink Chamomile Tea!

This may seem like a simple solution but the effects of drinking Chamomile tea are very calming for your body. It can quickly take effect and help any reaction you have had to slow down.  If you haven't tried it, put it on your shopping list!

If you’re struggling to handle work and life right now and would like to discuss getting my help, you can book a free consultation on the link below.