How to Set Goals for 2020 that you LOVE!

Did you set yourself some goals at the beginning of 2019? Did you achieve them?

Whether you did or didn't it doesn't matter, as you get the chance to set some more as a new year - and new decade - is upon us! 

If you are like me, you will love the feeling of a fresh start and a chance to go again! Goal setting lets us think about what we really want from life, and this is important as we all deserve to live our happiest and healthiest life.


1. Decide 

Ask yourself these questions...

  • What would you have liked to achieve by this time next year?

  • Would you be happy ending up in the same situation you're in right now?

  • What is it you've always wanted to do?

It doesn't matter what your goals are, as long as it's something you want to do - ideally something you're interested in or feel excited by. No-one else has to see or hear about these goals, so don't be scared of judgment. It can be a big thing or a small thing - each goal is worthy of being there if you really want it.

Still don't know what you want to do? Need some inspiration? Download my worksheet DO BE HAVE ACTIVITY - and brainstorm what it is you do, be or have!! 

2. Write it down 

Did you know that writing down our goals increases our chances of sticking with them? Write down how you will know you have reached your goals and when you'd like to have achieved it by.

Ask yourself:

  • What it will 'look' like when you've done it?

  • How will you feel when you've done it?

  • What value will it be adding to your life when completed?

Describe your goal in specific terms and timescales e.g. 'I want to start weight training 3 times a week and running once a week' rather than 'I want to start exercising.' 

Buy yourself a cute planner or diary fresh for 2020 and get those goals down somewhere in there! That way you can always come back to them for reference and keep tabs on how you are doing.
3. Break your goal down 

This is very important for the bigger goals. Sometimes our big goals can be a little vague, like 'I want to start exercising'. Breaking this down helps us to be more specific. A smaller goal might be 'weight train 3 times a week' or even 'run around the park in 10 minutes without stopping'. Write down your smaller goals and try to set some dates to do these by. Having several smaller goals makes each of them a bit easier and gives us a feeling of success along the way, which also makes it more likely that we'll stay on track towards our bigger goal.
4. Keep going ‍

Working towards our goals can sometimes be difficult and frustrating - so we need to persevere. If a step you're doing isn't working, think of something else you could try that still moves you forward. If you're struggling, ask people you know for their ideas on what you could do. They may help you see a different way. If you need to adjust your goal - that's ok too.

5. Celebrate! 

When you reach one of your goals, take time to enjoy it and thank those that helped you. Think about what you enjoyed and learned along the way. Now, what is your next goal or project going to be?

If you need my help with goal setting, join my ‘Make It Happen’ Accountability Programme and get the weekly support you need to keep motivated and GET THINGS DONE! More information HERE.

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